Wednesday, February 02, 2005

For my dear sister...

It's a brand new year. I'm not sure if I should start it off by saying something intelligent or just go ahead and list my New Year resolutions. However, resolutions don't work for me because I never came around to fulfil them, so I won't even bother.

The only thing I want to say, in this brand new year, is "Thank God so very much." My dear sister came home from Thailand just a few days before the tsunami tragedy struck. I'm so glad she didn't opt to spend a few more days at the beach, or that the tsunami hadn't afflicted earlier. You have no idea how grateful I am.

Watching the news about the tragedy on the television made me realised how close I came to losing my dear sister. I wrote her a card that very night and told her how thankful I am that she is back home safely to spend Christmas with us.

So once again, thank you for bringing my sister back home and most of all, safely. Happy New Year.